Oct 29, 2008
The life we call – the work life
As somebody who has recently treaded on from the student life to the work life, as somebody who never really wanted to enter the...

Jul 6, 2008
Will miss 23
I don’t want time to pass by anymore. Can somebody please stop the time for me? I am 23 and I will be 24 in a few days. But I do not want...

Mar 18, 2008
A crude confession
Well, I have a confession to make. A confession that might leave me in a bad light in front of many, but does not stop me from making it....

Mar 16, 2008
Thoughts or no thoughts?!
I feel like writing something, not knowing what to write. I feel like thinking about someone, not knowing who he is. I feel like talking...

Feb 16, 2008
The Indian curry
It is an enlightening experience for me to find out what Westerners and other Asians think about the Indian curry. For the uninitiated,...

Feb 12, 2008
To keep writing
It gets a little tough to be able to update my blog space regularly, not that I am some ultra busy person who does not have spare moments...

Jan 20, 2008
LIC- zindagi ke sath bhi, zindagi ke baad bhi
In my private conversations with God I have always wondered as to why does He give uncertainties in life, why can’t we know what would...

Jan 14, 2008
Happy marriage!
Just got an email marriage invitation from a very special friend of mine. This friend is special for many reasons. First, the way we had...

Dec 19, 2007
Season's greetings
May this new year bring in happiness and prosperity in your life… May this year be an year of accomplishment and fulfillment for you… May...

Nov 25, 2007
Join PETA! Turn vegetarian :-)
I have grown up in a neighborhood which would celebrate every little function from a baby’s birthday to a marriage reception by...

Aug 29, 2007
Just a few minutes back the thought that not updating my blog is such a let down for my friends who make it a point to keep themselves...

Jul 1, 2007
Take charge at 23
I would be 23 in a few days, and I don’t feel myself adequate as yet to carry the mantle of that age. I don’t feel I am matured enough to...

Feb 1, 2007
Just like that
One thing that one must not stop doing is writing! If you have a flair for writing and you stop writing either due to lack of time or of...

Dec 24, 2006
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year… May God bless you with all that you ask for in the new year and remember if He...

Aug 22, 2006
A new chapter in my life
A new chapter has just opened in my life… I have become a research scholar in Mathematics at the University of Delhi, Delhi. There may be...

Aug 16, 2006
Heads high
It’s really fun to be in a hostel for the past five years… away from home the family that you form in the hostel is worth maintaining...

Jul 14, 2006
Another birthday, another year gone by, another interesting year to come up, another set of resolution making, another kick to the...

Apr 28, 2006
The Cat Story
During summers night is only the good thing to happen. Hostel is miserably hot so during the nights with the fan swinging and a...

Mar 28, 2006
My brother, Anuj
As a five year old kid I stand by the side of the maternity bed. My mother just gifted me with a brother. So small, cute and vulnerable....

Mar 22, 2006
Ten things that make me go ummm…
There are two things that I simply love doing- sleeping and eating. Though I don’t look as if I fancy both these things as they leave a...