Hey everybody! It's Saanvi here,
I like animals like dolphins and deer.
I have been to India, France and Spain,
I strangely like hail, snow and rain.
My favourite sport is netball and hockey,
My biggest dream is to be a jockey.
My best friends are Meghna, Aaria and Hriday,
We have a playdate during every holiday.

I like drawing and colouring and trampolining too,
As you see I have hobbies and at that quite a few.
I have black hair, brown skin and dark brown eyes,
My old school's winter uniform meant wearing ties.
I live in Northwood up on a hill,
From my house, I can see a windmill.
I've never tried bubble tea or steaming hot coffee,
Something I like is a soft chewy toffee.
I like pizza, pasta, ice cream and lollies,
A TV show I like is Ben and Holly's.
A gymnast is what I would like to be,
Just like Jordan Matter and Anna McNulty.
I think I am fun, crazy and smart,
One thing I do is love with a heart.
I am careful and cheerful, kind and funny,
I like bread, sprinkles and honey.
By Saanvi Agarwal
9 years old
Nov - 2023