"A white Christmas, a white Christmas," I yell running down
The stairs two at a time till I am safely on the ground!
I look out of the window and sure enough, I see
An untouched white wonderland is there for me.
"Eat your breakfast first!" comes a cry from the kitchen.
"And don't forget your hat and mittens."
"Can I go now?" I say when I've done that thing.
"Yes, but don't forget to bring,
Your little sister outside too.
She likes the snow as much as you."
"Come on", I say running outside.
"Let's take out the sledge and go for a ride."
We ride over the silvery snowy lumps
And even though we have a few bumps We come through just fine
Nothing will come our way this time.
We go into the house when we finally get tired,
And run to the place where our brains are wired.
As a second priority
The Christmas tree!
Presents, presents, presents galore,
Each year Santa sends more and more!
I opened my package, it was just what I wanted,
Santa sure does have every wish granted.
The rest of the day goes as smooth as a breeze,
This is perfect I say if you please.
Now I think it's pretty clear the rest,
This Christmas is the best!
By Saanvi Agarwal
10 years old
Nov - 2024