Finally, an author!
For more than ten years, I have dreamt of having my book published. I had been writing poetry since childhood, but when the idea of how to embed them into a book struck back in 2007, I immediately jotted those thoughts down. However, to convert those initial jottings to a full-fledged novel, it took me more than ten years.
What an incredible journey it has been to now finally see the book being published. With a full-time corporate career to manage, two kids to raise, a charity supporting rehabilitation of street children to run, work on writing the book always kept getting deprioritised. However, as the saying goes, “slow and steady wins the race”. It was always on the slow burner brewing itself with anecdotes and profound messages that life was teaching all along. Massive thanks to my publisher Bhavini Mehta who provided the push to stay on my writing journey by constantly encouraging me with how “awesome” the idea of the book was and why the story needed to be told.
To have finally managed to culminate this journey with the publication of my first book “Life Simply Moves On” is a dream come true. I could not have been more thankful to my family and friends for constantly encouraging me on this journey with their love and support. Thank you to my editor Masumi Parmar for her excitement about my story and proof-reading the book for publication.
Applying the idea of “write what you know”, the book has been about sharing the close observations from the lenses of a small-town girl growing up amidst competition and the burden of expectations to prove herself. It borrows from my journey of life and therefore, I would love to hear from you on how it relates to your journey which I am sure has not been any less exciting than mine.
Get in touch either through my website or Facebook page or email me directly. If you have a story and just don’t know whether to start writing, force yourself to make the start. Remember that nothing worthwhile is ever going to be easy, and achieving difficult goals contribute to ultimate happiness. It is this pursuit that kept me going!
Grab a copy of the book by clicking the link below –
UK Link – https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07XT4R4ST
US Link – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07XT4R4ST
IN Link – https://www.amazon.in/dp/B07XT4R4ST