Just a few minutes back the thought that not updating my blog is such a let down for my friends who make it a point to keep themselves connected with me by knowing about the happenings of my life through my posts, occurred to me. And in no time do I find myself writing this. After my last post on the sorry state of research I received some mails from my close friends saying that all would be fine in no time, research is known for sucking out the juice of sham thereby leaving the residue of concrete knowledge which cannot be faked ever. I have let this sink in me all these days when I was away from blogosphere.
What also brings me back after so long is a chance meeting with a friend’s friend Prajakta who had been reading all my posts without my knowledge and admiring my thoughts. She did not feel her ego hammered even an inch to accept that she is my “secret admirer”. We three met over lunch and I found out that she is a college going student. I wanted to tell her what all I do, but then found that she knew more than I would have told her over first lunch (thanks to all my posts that she has read religiously and connected to create a picture of my life in her mind). As human beings we all crave for recognition, and to find recognition from unknown people is the best kick one can look for. Thank you, Prajakta!!
Another kick to revert back to writing has been the new book that I have been reading, or let me say imbibing. It’s called “Who would cry when you die” by world-renowned motivational speaker Robin Sharma. I have also read his best-seller “The monk who sold his Ferrari”. I am the kind of person who does not take time to slip into phases of solitude, and such books help me stay connected. My elder brother gifted the book to me with a note “Your brother, when your brother is not around”. I found the book to be full of life and soul and it does not fail in making an impression on me.
Catch a copy of it if you can, I am sure all of us have something to borrow from it. Thank you Bhaiya and I love you!!
P.S Decided to change the look of the blog, had got a little bored with the earlier one. I would be happy to know your views on it. You may drop in your comments or mail me.