What a historic moment it has been today! After my last blog post on 30th Dec 2013 when I was feeling at an all time high with the success of a new political party promising on anti-corruption, I had gradually thereafter started feeling disillusioned witnessing the events that followed. As somebody who watches Indian politics closely because I care about the direction India is heading towards, AAP’s confused strategies and mindlessness on how only after 49 days of governing Delhi they decided to call it off, I did not know what to hang on to. Thankfully this feeling did not last too long as very soon after this Narendra Modi’s rigorous campaign as the BJP’s prime-ministerial candidate started. He promised Indian youths like me what we had been waiting to hear – a promise of a strong and stable government in India which will bring change on all fronts. The 10 years of Congress led UPA rule had left India at a disadvantaged position. Whilst in 2004 when they took power there was a real chance of India and China moving head to head with enormous double digit growth rates, in 2014, we heard the Indian finance minister talking about gaining a double digit growth rate somewhere in 2037. That’s how far behind we had suddenly fallen in 10 years of the rule, engulfed with corruption charges.
With the tasteless AAP experience although I have become sceptical on how much the Modi led BJP government will deliver, but I am certainly not prepared to give up hope yet. I believe this is a good turning point for Indian democracy – something that the 1.3 billion Indians badly deserved all these years but were denied. The huge victory of BJP turning out to be the largest party claiming majority of parliamentary seats needed to form the government on its own speaks volumes about the campaign that Modi led. He based it on real issues facing the people – governance, anti-corruption, controlling inflation being his main agenda. His resume showing 12 years of rule over Gujarat as a successful Chief Minister added credibility to his claims which voters provided their support to. Motto of “minimum government, maximum governance” that Modi preached was welcomed by one and all and specially the business community.
These past few months have been very eventful and whilst I had quite a lot of opportunity to focus on some personal life changing events, these elections managed to take all my attention instead. I am glad all my attention did not go waste as the outcome today made it all worth it!