It gets a little tough to be able to update my blog space regularly, not that I am some ultra busy person who does not have spare moments to herself to jot down a few words here and there, but may be because I am not that happening a person who encounter significant events in life worth writing down. So I have decided not to judge anything as significant or not worth writing when I sit down to writing. Discard it if you feel it is insignificant and read on and let it stay with you if you feel something significant got conveyed.
Just came to know from a friend that her two Gmail accounts got hacked. This is disturbing both because of the enormous loss of contact details and all other important informations that she had been storing, but also because she was an avid Google fan and feels deceived on the occurrence of such an incident.
I am also disturbed on thinking that I cooked one huge cauliflower on Saturday and since the past four days I am trying to finish it. But like “Water of India” magic of famous magician P.C.Sorkar which I saw with my father when I was a kid, wherein by his magic the water in the jug would never end even when in full public glare he would pour the jug down into the bucket- my cooked cauliflower does not even seem to be near to getting over.
I am happy about the Indian win on Australians in cricket. Such incidents provide a kick to the ego and probably thats what make us happy about them.
Oh it is time for dinner. Here I come, my darling veg-in-the-fridge-since-four-days 🙂